Brooke Griffin

About Me


My name is Brooke Griffin. I graduated in May 2016 from the National Holistic Institute’s 900-hour program to become a Massage Therapist and Health Educator . I am passionate about giving bodywork for a variety of reasons, one of which is an underlying belief I have- if everyone felt just a but more relaxed and present in their body, than the world would be a better place. I love this work because it is dynamic and engaging; there is a wide variety of body types, needs and preferences, all of which I find fascinating! With training in both Eastern and Western modalities, I believe I provide a unique experience tailored to each individual on my massage table. In my practice, I listen to your body and your energy with my hands and engage you based on my intuition and observation, as well as your physically and verbally communicated needs.

I graduated from Dominican University in May 2014 with a Bachelor of Arts in Gender Studies and minors in Psychology and Leadership Studies and not long after that I traveled around the world for 8 months to 13 countries, whereupon I learned a great deal about communication, especially non-verbal cues, how to trust my intuition, and how people of all shapes, colors, and sizes overcome obstacles and reach their goals.

I love connecting with people, I love facilitating relaxation, change and growth, and I love giving bodywork!